Sunday, April 5, 2009


Erech has been potty trained now for 3 months. I'm still working with him on how to pee standing up. I'm not sure if he doesn't want to or hes still a little short. So the other way I caught him going to the bathroom like this.

I asked him what he was doing and he said he was going pee like a big boy. So to him if he is facing this direction hes doing it the right way. When he goes #2 he faces the other way. How funny is that.


Diane said...

Way to go Erech!

The Morgan Family! said...

Thats too funny!!

Vanessa said...

When I was potty training Spencer, they actually told me to do what he is doing. It never worked for us. But Erech has the right idea...

NM Beans said...

that is so funny. Boys are so funny. We may have to start Tyler soon. HOpe you are doing well, miss ya. Karen

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

Ha Ha that is so funny!! Erech is smart!